Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Are You A Crafting Hoarder?

At one time in my crafting life I would have considered myself a hoarder.  I bought all of the new gadgets and pretty papers and did nothing with them except say, "Look how pretty."  After a while I looked and I had piles and piles of raw materials, but nothing to show for it.  The real wake up call was when my husband said, "How much do you spend on this stuff and how come it's taking over our office?"  That's when I stopped hoarding and started crafting...and that is when the fun began.

As we get closer to new year's (and resolutions) I decided to share some tips that will help you "be craftier" in 2012.

1. Make Time to Craft.  The #1 complaint I hear from folks is, "I don't have time."  I am here to challenge you and say, "Yes You Do!"  Look at your calendar and see where you can find two hours a month to craft.  If you are a fast crafter, you can break that up into four 30-minute sessions each.  If not, you can pay a teen or barter with your significant other to have some much needed "you time."  I find this works best if you attend (or host) a scrap.  Yo can work on your projects and get some girlfriend time to boot.

2. Look for Projects.  Scan YouTube and Google for projects using the items you have in your stash.  You'd be amazed how much stuff is out there!

3. Get Organized!  Knowing what you have is 75% of the battle.  How can you use it if you can't find it?  Spend some time in Ikea, the organization store and even the dollar store to come up with ways you can get your space in tip-top shape.

4. Use Space Wisely.  If you have a set place for all of your crafty material, make it a rule to not buy any new things until you make space.  It will not only help you to use your stash, but will make you feel better about new purchases.

5. Ask For Help.  I am a GREAT resource for helping you get organized.  I can give you challenges (e.g. use specific materials to make a project I share with you) and share ideas.  Ask me.  Email me at cas_ramirez@yahoo.com or contact me via my website at http://craftycassandra.stampinup.net.

Hopefully, this will help you be a better, more prolific crafter in the upcoming year.

Cassandra Ramirez
Stampin' Up! Independent Demonstrator
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